Currency converter, Exchange rates
Currency converter Exchange rate calculator Forex rates online Currency exchange rates history

Currency converter, Exchange rates

Currency converter - online conversion of any world currency to the today rate. Your personal dashboard with exchange rates and price charts of all world currencies. 173 currencies real-time data.


EUR = 89.23 USD
+0.036134 (+0.04%)
change of exchange rate since yesterday

Pound sterling

GBP = 103.86 USD
+0.090514 (+0.09%)
change of exchange rate since yesterday


JPY = 0.54 USD
-0.001836 (-0.34%)
change of exchange rate since yesterday


CNY = 11.50 USD
+0.003858 (+0.03%)
change of exchange rate since yesterday
   Currency converter
Money converter monitors daily foreign exchange rates in Central Banks for 173 currencies.
   Forex rates online, live currency exchange
Live forex currency exchange rates at April 24, 2024
   Currency exchange rates history
Historical currency exchange rates, historical charts.

Currency converter displays the current exchange rate of any of the selected currencies for today. Exchange rates are set by national banks and perform the basis for determining exchange rates at currency exchange points and commercial banks. You can follow the exchange rate of the national bank to find the best exchange rate for buying and selling currencies.

The currency converter on our website also shows the exchange rate on the Forex exchange. Forex rate updating every 30 seconds. See the exchange rate online for free and right now in real time.

The currency rate on the Forex exchange is set every second, in contrast to the national currency rate set by the national bank once a day.

We constantly monitor the rates of 173 currencies, both on commercial exchanges and official government rates. You can watch for free the exchange rate of any currency relatively to another.

You can track the exchange rate of one currency relatively to another using this personal panel. The exchange rate is displayed in the form of graphs and numbers, rate changes are displayed in a separate field as a percentage. The raise and decrease of the currency rate are displayed in different colors.

Best Currency Exchange Rate

The best exchange rate can be tracked by the graphs of instant changes in the exchange rate on the site panels or on the pages of the online currency exchange rate from the Forex exchange. One way to track the best rate is to constantly observe the change in the selected currency, and when the currency rate chart shows the minimum value, this is the best time to buy, and when the maximum is for selling currency.

US dollar exchange rate for today

US dollar exchange rate for today is the basic information that most people use. You can find out the official US dollar exchange rate for today to any world currency on our website.

We monitor the exchange rate of all currencies every day and we know the rate not only for today, but for every day since 1992.

Today's US dollar rate is set as a result of trading during yesterday. By studying the change in the US dollar exchange rate online yesterday, you could predict the official exchange rate for today.

US dollar exchange rate for tomorrow

US dollar exchange rate for tomorrow is formed by the national bank on the basis of US dollar trading on the Forex and other exchange markets today. Tomorrow US dollar is the base for the exchange of the US dollar in the bank on .

Thus, by monitoring the changes in the US dollar during the day on the exchanges on our website, you will be able to predict the US dollar rate for tomorrow and US dollar exchange quotes in banks tomorrow .

Set up US dollar tracking panel on the home page of the currency converter website. See US dollar exchange rate online, and you will always accurately guess US dollar exchange rate for tomorrow.

The exchange rate of US dollar against the euro today

The exchange rate of US dollar against the euro for today is presented on the website in two versions:

US dollar exchange rate against the euro as one of the major currencies in the world determines US dollar exchange rate against other world currencies. Track US dollar exchange rate for today on the online dashboard of our website.

Currency converter US dollar online

Currency converter US dollar online on our website allows you to find out US dollar exchange rate to any world currency. We track daily US dollar to 172 other currencies of the world.

To convert US dollar profitably into another currency in banks, follow US dollar exchange rate using our online widgets.

Euro currency converter online

Currency converter Euro online - an online service Euro to world currencies. Euro online currency converter includes US dollar to euro converter.

The Euro exchange rate on the Currency Converter website can be viewed online in these calculators:

  1. in personal widgets at
  2. on the page of the official Euro conversion rate
  3. in the online service, the exchange rate of the euro on the forex exchange online

The euro converter displays the exchange rate to any of the 172 world currencies. We have the euro conversion rate for today and the history of daily euro conversion for the last 30 years.

Euro to US dollar currency converter online

Euro to US dollar currency converter online - page of US dollar exchange rate on the Forex exchange.

US dollar against the euro is updated 2 times in 1 minute.

US dollar to euro exchange rate can be viewed both in the last minute, and in an hour, and in a day.

The history of US dollar to euro and euro to US dollar exchange rates has been on the site since 1992. The exchange rate is publicly available for free every day.

Bitcoin currency converter online, bitcoin rate for today

Bitcoin currency converter online is not shown on our website. only tracks official currencies.

But the Bitcoin exchange rate for today is very important information for the crypto zone.

Here you can see the Bitcoin exchange rate for today.

Cryptocurrency converter online, cryptocurrency rate

Online cryptocurrency converter can also be viewed on the link below.

Exhcange rates of more than 2000 crypto is tracked online on the site of our partner.

Now crypto is gaining popularity and may become partly a replacement for the dollar, euro and other national currencies.